Join The Health Evolution

Happier • Younger • Rested


We've been researching and educating on integrated health for decades, and increasingly shocked by the difficulty of getting supplements which actually contain the ingredients they claim and deliver verifiable results.

We know from huge bodies of published clinical research across all types of medicine that a strong immune system is only possible with low stress levels of the hormone cortisol.

Good health begins with strong immunity. Immunity begins with balanced cortisol levels, because when under stress, your body deliberately reduces your immunity, digestion, cognition, and sleep, and instead puts all energy into hyper-vigilance and preparation for “flight or fight”.

The main active ingredient in our formulas is Norwegian YTE Young tissue extract which manages the stress hormone cortisol and regenerates the body's stem cells. Naturally, safely, quickly.


The benefits of the primary ingredient, YTE Young tissue extract are novel and two-fold:

* modulating cortisol levels to relieve symptoms and effects of chronic stress, which is the #1 way to support and maintain immunity


* regenerating stem cells, which further supports and maintains immunity and wellness.

There is no other ingredient like YTE Young tissue extract. Our company, Health Evolution, has exclusivity on this rare natural ingredient.



Respected healthcare industry leader Mr David Saloff focuses on strategic collaboration with partners in the healthcare field.

David Saloff has particular interests and experience in the fields of research into the management of inflammation, and increasing longevity. Health Evolution is delighted to have David Saloff as Health Science Advisor.


Our Independent Supplement Advisory Panel features Medical Advisors whose experience is invaluable in our quest for the most effective supplements ever created.

Each of our Advisors is dedicated to making real health a tangible reality. Having these medical specialists and health professionals on our team enables us to develop better formulas, create increased results for you, our customers, and source premium ingredients at the very best prices which we pass on as part of our “Always Honest Pricing” policy.


a man smiling for the camera

(Click here to go to Dr Hertzog's Page)

Dr Christopher Hertzog is a respected Longevity Specialist and medical researcher in the field of Anti-Aging (Positive Aging) Medicine.

Dr Chris has a Primary Medical Degree from Cambridge University, studied Law at the “Inns of Court” in London, and was a lecturer in Law prior to his long and continuing career as a medical researcher.

Specialties: new advances in AAM – Anti-Aging Medicine,- as well as in the field of cancer and terminal cancer research.

Dr Chris is a member of the British Longevity Society, specialising in anti-aging and anti-cancer treatments.

Dr Chris “walks the talk”, seeming far younger than his 80 years, still traveling the world on a regular basis, attending the most important conferences globally on cancer and healthy aging, and still with his “wings” as a keen pilot.

Health Evolution is honoured to be working with Dr Christopher Hertzog, a highly respected pioneer in human longevity and healthy ageing.


Veerle Van Tricht looking at the camera

(Click here to go to Dr Van Tricht's page)

Dr Veerle Van Tricht, popularly known as Dr V, is an Eye Surgeon who provides excellent and timely eye care to a large number of patients with AMD, Diabeticretinopathy, cataracts, glaucoma and general ophthalmology, plus supporting and teaching medical students, registrars and allied health staff.

During her successful medical career as an Eye Surgeon on three continents, Dr V has used her experiences, studies and personal experience to create the Burnout Resuscitation program, helping health and other professionals avoid the devastating, destructive, and serious health consequences of burnout including l lower immune system, heart disease, cancer, depression.

Health Evolution is honoured to be working with Dr Veerle Van Tricht, a highly respected authority in terms of wellness relating to eye health and avoiding exhaustion.


We work with only the best cGMP supplement manufacturers, registered with the FDA. We liaise with doctors and other health professionals, check the Certificates of all ingredients, have all ingredients independently tested – and make sure we provide the right formulas and doses every single time.


All of the Team are first and foremost Customer Happiness Agents – dedicated to you at Health Evolution.


a person smiling for the camera

From a farming family, Angela is most interested in functional food, soil and water health.

People say that Angela's Unique Ability is seeing opportunities and creating better futures through asking difficult questions, analysing the past and connecting the best currently available solutions.

Angela carries out a great deal of research and due diligence, including seeking clinical trials with evidence from leading medical professionals, scientists, physicists and philosophers.

Angela is focused on enabling people to discover high-vibration-living and recognises the importance of functional food along with healthy atmosphere, soil and water. Dedicated to helping people through continuously researching and making available regenerative formulas of premium dietary supplements.

Mum of five, married to David Wright, Angela has been invited to speak around the world and honoured by HM Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace with the award of a Member of the Order of the British Empire.

Angela is an author and speaker who is passionate about honesty, commitment and giving back, helping individuals and businesses to flourish so promoting peace and prosperity.

Angela brings a wealth of experience to Health Evolution with the aim of building the business through providing regenerative formulas with genuine ingredients at the right dose – and always honest pricing.

Contact Angela via the Contact Page


a man and a woman smiling for the camera

David and Angela Wright MBE

David has a degree in Biology and served in Antarctica for three years with the British Antarctic Survey.

Dad to five, David has operated many businesses and specialises in logistics, service and fulfilling promises, providing practicalities to take care of customers and suppliers.

Contact David via the Contact Page


Former IT & UK Territory Manager Sam Hembury has been appointed Chief Operating Officer, a new position within Health Evolution.

Sam has been working online for more than fifteen years and specialises in the health and wellness industry. He lives in Devon UK with his three children and much-loved dogs, and is a keen runner, climber, and a student of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, a martial art and combat sport.

“Sam is uniquely qualified to deliver Health Evolution's mission, with a laser-focus on operational excellence,” said David Wright, chairman and CEO, Health Evolution. “We have tremendous confidence in Sam's ability to align Health Evolution's world-class biotechnology innovation with industry-leading best practices to bring Health Evolution's unique and life-changing products to even more people around the world.”

More about Sam here:

Contact Sam via the Livechat/message button on this page or via the Contact Page.


DoubleJ International of the Republic of Korea, distributors of premium dietary supplements to the Korean market, are pleased to have entered into an exclusive alliance agreement to provide the flagship YTE Young tissue extract formula in Korea. This alliance will leverage Health Evolution's strong brand and exclusive access to Norwegian YTE Young tissue extract, and DoubleJ International's expertise and leadership in dietary supplement distribution.

DoubleJ International is Korea's top distributor of powerful Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) dietary supplements, which act like stem cells to promote cellular repair to damaged and dysfunctional tissue to improve health and function.

The Korean formula TeloNine has been approved by the Korean Food and Drug Administration.

TeloNine is the Korean version of market-leading AminoBoosters and TeloMind.

 KFDA approval means the Health Evolution formula TeloNine can be wholesaled, retailed, and distributed within Korea. With this new distribution alliance, Health Evolution will no longer supply directly to Korean customers who will be able to order through DoubleJ for faster and safer delivery: DoubleJ International JongSun, Ju, Cofounder & CEO Phone  (+82) 010 8857 2112 email


Charmine prefers to be called “Charm” and fully lives up to her beautiful name.

Charm is a reliable and, of course, charming member of our team, eager to assist in administrative, technical and customer concerns.

Charm is a Bachelor of Science graduate in Information Technology. Charms enjoys travelling, outdoor physical activities and sports, especially badminton.

She is enthusiastic and always happy to help.

More about Charm here:

Contact Charm via the Livechat/message button on this page or via the Contact Page.


Rose Marie “Sieg” is the newest member of the Health Evolution team, providing valuable support in the company's mission to provide the best natural supplements for anxiety and low mood, deep restful sleep, rejuvenation, more energy, vitality, and supported immunity.

Rose is a reliable team member in charge of taking sales calls who is also very eager to assist in technical and customer concerns, with 2 years of experience in customer service and has received outstanding performance award for 6 consecutive months.

Contact Rose via the Livechat/message button on this page or via the Contact Page.

Further information

Dietary supplements are not medical drugs. Health Evolution products are designed to help you so you make the most of your life with more energy, better sleep and strength, more love.

It is not permitted to make health claims for dietary supplements in many parts of the world, even though all scientific evidence proves that our health is dependent upon what we ingest. This reminds us of Einstein's famous quotation, “Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous”.  We recommend you carry out your own research.

We are committed to providing regenerative formulas with genuine ingredients at the recommended clinical dose – and always honest pricing. 


Back in 2014, after carrying out months of due diligence, Angela flew around the world to meet the researchers and patent-holders of YTE Young tissue extract and to undertake more research.

YTE Young tissue extract is the key live active ingredient of the Health Evolution All Aminos Formulas.

Meeting in Norway, Angela uncovered a great deal of information about this supplement ingredient. Subsequently we work closely with the licence holders.

Health Evolution formulas are the only nutritional supplements in the world formulated with genuine YTE Young tissue extract at the recommended clinical dose in our proprietary formulas.

We only use genuine Norwegian YTE Dynamic Protein Young Tissue Extract direct from providers and brand owners – the only authentic live dynamic fertilised incubated egg protein.

Other egg proteins which are not live due to not being incubated and harvested in line with the patented and proven process of YTE Young tissue extract.


Health Evolution's founding principles are:

    • Good health begins with strong immunity. Immunity begins with balanced cortisol levels, because when under stress, your body deliberately reduces your immunity, digestion, cognition, and sleep, and instead puts all energy into hyper-vigilance and preparation for “flight or fight”.
    • YTE Young tissue extract uniquely balances cortisol, the stress hormone, so your body and brain can be healthy.
    • Premium pure and natural products which really work
    • Genuine ingredients at the recommended clinical therapeutic dose
    • Exceptional, caring service
    • Innovation based on diligence
    • Our customers' wellbeing central to ideas, products  and projects
    • The fairest and most generous affiliate program in the industry so we can reward our partners and affiliates with the ability to earn income equal to their individual efforts
    • Protecting our affiliates with always the best deals for customers
    • Providing good wholesale arrangements for health professionals and retailers to provide direct to patients, clients, and customers

Read more about our mission and goals

Now more than ever, strong immunity is essential to wellbeing.


#1 Social distancing – to reduce the spread of infection, so that your health systems can cope

#2 Good hygiene: hand washing, disinfecting surfaces, good at-home healthcare arrangements – to reduce the spread of infection and other causes of ill-health

#3 Supporting and maintaining your immunity – to minimize your symptoms so you reduce the chances of getting sick with potentially lasting and serious health consequences for you and others.The first and most important stage of step 3 is to balance your cortisol because you do not want high cortisol levels.


Stress hormones shut down the immune system making us vulnerable to, infection, inflammation, disease, and poor mental health. 

There are three ways our bodies can be stressed:

  • Physical: trauma, injury, accident or fall
  • Chemical & biological: viruses, flu, infection, hangovers, unbalanced blood sugar levels, toxic loads from processed food, environmental chemicals
  • Emotional:  fear, work or business pressure, financial problems, family tragedies, inherited trauma, exposure to negative news and constant advertising

High cortisol levels correspond with greater risk of infection, inflammation, poor physical and mental health.

Even in otherwise-healthy adults, there is a proven association between high levels of cortisol and infections, according to the Laboratory for the Study of Stress, Immunity, and Disease at Carnegie Mellon University and many other research studies.


The stress hormone cortisol lowers immunity, making us vulnerable to disease, infection, inflammation, and poor physical and mental health. 

Symptoms of chronic stress, also known as “allostatic load”, include low energy, trouble sleeping, constant worrying, weight gain, anxiety and overwhelm, low mood and tiredness, low productivity, poor memory and brain fog, cravings and poor digestion, cuts and wounds which are slow to heal.

High-stress leads to high cortisol levels … which leads to high-stress.

It's essential to break the cycle to achieve a strong immune system.

It's important to have strong immunity, but the trouble is, taking any other supplements without addressing cortisol levels is like driving with one foot on the gas and the other stamped down hard on the brake.

You're going nowhere fast and just burning fuel and rubber. Wearing out the engine and all the moving parts.

That's why you must first get cortisol levels under control.


No. This is the first step. You want a proven third-party-tested supplement which also regenerates stem cells and provides pure botanical support using the highest quality proven herbs for health.

Before we began our company, back in 2014, we wanted to find a high quality formula containing YTE Young tissue extract – the only natural complete source of all amino acids along with Fibroblast Growth Factor, vitamins, and minerals.

We knew the one company which everyone thought used the ingredient didn't. Not. At. All.

In response, six years ago we founded our company Health Evolution, committed to Regenerative Formulas With Genuine Ingredients At The Recommended Clinical Dose – And Always Honest Good-Value Pricing. We are now the only company in the world which has genuine Norwegian YTE, the Young Tissue Extract Dynamic Protein. This ingredient is completely unique – there in no other ingredient like this.

All our formulas are third-party-tested, rebalance cortisol, regenerate stem cells, and contain pure botanicals with the highest quality proven herbs for health. Our unique Health Evolution PLAN Formulas use Pure Live Active Nutrition. There is nothing comparable.

WHAT IS YTE Young tissue extract?

This rare YTE Young tissue extract ingredient, discovered by famous Canadian Doctor Dr John Davidson, researched by governments, universities, and medical specialists, has helped an estimated 500,000 people – which means most people have never heard of it.

And it was becoming increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to find formulas worth taking.

It's vital to have the real YTE Young tissue extract ingredients at the right dose – backed by traceability, trackability, independent testing, certification – because otherwise you won't get the results you need.

  • Results like having a cortisol manager, so your “stress hormone” is under control, and you can go from anxiety to assurance and action.
  • Results like more muscle strength and gain – because after age 30 you lose muscle, and from age 35 onwards you will lose between .5% and 1% of your muscle mass every year.
  • Results like better sleep, more balance, more energy, more love in your life
  • Results like stem cell regeneration for your body so you renew and rebuild from the inside out.

Why haven't more people heard of YTE Young tissue extract? Because it's a very expensive raw natural ingredient and doesn't fit in the profit margins of the big corporations. As a privately owned business, however, we don't need these huge profit margins. So in 2014, we founded Health Evolution, committed to Regenerative Formulas With Genuine Ingredients At The Recommended Clinical Dose – And Always Honest Pricing.

  • We started with one formula – AminoBoosters
  • We developed the TeloMind formula in 2016
  • AminoSerene (and TeloNine in Korea) complete our range of personalised YTE Young tissue extract formulas available, because everybody and every day is different

Yes, YTE Young tissue extract is that important. The only natural complete stem cell regeneration ingredient. The only complete source of all amino acids in perfect natural balance together with Fibroblast Growth Factor, vitamins and minerals.


Too many supplements are using inappropriate ingredients, flawed science and spending more on marketing than ingredients.

With our proven, genuine ingredients and science-based evidence, you have the genuine ingredients at the recommended clinical dose.

You deserve supplements whose effectiveness can be clearly demonstrated.

Every active ingredient we use is natural, research-backed and included at the dose used in clinical studies.

We'll say it again: we're here to help you whenever you need it.

Buy now while stocks are available at Statements on this website, our social media, written and verbal communications have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition, consult your health professional before using our products. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your Doctor or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your health professional. Results featured on this web site may be atypical. As individuals differ, so will results. Health Evolution distributes products made with natural, genuine ingredients at the right dose. Always check with your doctor for risks associated with dietary supplements and your specific health conditions and/or allergies. Buy now while stocks are available at

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