
The name TeloMind™ stands for "Telomeres" and "Mind". We are often asked why we chose this name, when we first created TeloMind in 2016?

Your telomeres are sections of DNA found at the end of each of your chromosomes. These are like little caps which serve to protect you. They are often compared to the plastic protective tips in shoelaces that protect a shoelace from unravelling. In this same way, telomeres play an important role in protecting the DNA and keeping it stable.

During your lifetime, your telomeres get shorter and shorter and this is the basic reason why you age.

With every cell division, a small part of your telomeres is not copied and this causes them to gradually shrink. Shorter telomeres cause your DNA to become unstable and then you are prone to disease.

The shorter your telomeres, the older you become biologically; while the opposite is also true. The longer your telomeres, the younger your cells are biologically; and the better your health.

The second part of our name represents the difference TeloMind™ makes to your mind, through managing the stress hormone cortisol. This enables you to benefit from positive mood, deep restful sleep, focus and concentration.

In fact, TeloMind, AminoBoosters, and AminoSerene all impact telomere length because they all influence rejuvenation, due to the full clinical therapeutic dose in every serving of these three extraordinary formulas.

International speaker and coach Barbie Layton, age 48 from California, saw her telomere age change from 84 to 53 in just 12 months when using AminoBoosters, despite having a chronic incurable disease.

Our three Young Tissue Extract formulas are

  • AminoBoosters
  • AminoSerene
  • and TeloMind

AminoBoosters and TeloMind contain clinical dose Young Tissue Extract.

AminoBoosters and TeloMind have similar formulas, with TeloMind also containing the important herb Rhodiola rosea, which has traditional usage as an anti-fatigue agent, an adaptogen, and to improve cognitive functioning. Rhodiola rosea is also potentially highly neuroprotective against toxins. In the brain, Rhodiola rosea appears to be highly serotonergic (increases serotonin) and reduces corticosteroids. Rhodiola may also promote longevity, with preliminary evidence suggesting up to a 20% increase in lifespan.

See more about Barbie Layton's story here:

For additional information, here's the TeloMind Substantiation Document, provided by our independent Dietary Supplement Experts as part of our due diligence during the formulation preparation process. For your convenience, the telomere information is highlighted:

Of course, there are many research papers and reports regarding how chronic stress shortens telomeres.

Clinical evidence demonstrates how Young Tissue Extract in particular, additionally supported by other ingredients in our formulas, modulates cortisol, the "stress hormone", positively impacting the reduction of chronic stress, and positively affecting telomeres.


As reported in the American Institute of Stress:

"Stress, Aging, and Telomeres

All the cells in our body contain tiny clocks called telomeres that can determine how long they will live. Telomeres are little caps at the end of chromosomes that prevent loss or injury to genetic information during cell division. Each time a cell divides, part of the telomere is lost and it becomes shorter. When a telomere eventually disappears because of repeated cell divisions, chromosomal damage prevents the cell from accurately reproducing itself. This shortening and eventual erosion of telomeres are prevented or reduced by telomerase, an enzyme in cells that preserves their length. Many believe that telomere destruction and reconstruction is related to the balance between aging and cancer and explains why cancer is more common in the elderly.

In the illustration to the left, chromosomes are stained blue and the protective telomere caps at their ends are stained yellow. Cells with long telomeres live longer. Short telomeres have been linked to a wide range of human diseases, including coronary heart disease, osteoporosis, and HIV infection. Shortening of telomeres is prevented or reduced by telomerase, which has been shown to keep immune cells young by preserving their length and ability to continue to divide and reproduce accurate replicas.

UCLA researchers recently confirmed prior reports that people subjected to chronic stress tended to have shorter telomeres. They have now uncovered a mechanism that explains how stress causes telomere shortening, hence the well-known links between stress and heart disease, as well as accelerated aging. Cells with long telomeres live longer. Short telomeres have been linked to a wide range of human diseases, including coronary heart disease, osteoporosis, and HIV infection. Shortening of telomeres is prevented or reduced by telomerase, which has been shown to keep immune cells young by preserving their length and ability to continue to divide and reproduce accurate replicas.

Chronic stress results in increased secretion of cortisol that causes a rise in blood sugar and blood pressure and reduces inflammation and immune system resistance to infection. However, this new study shows that cortisol also suppresses telomerase activation in immune system cells so that telomeres are no longer protected during cell division and become progressively shorter. This leads to early cell aging and distorted replicas of the original cell that could lead to cancer and other diseases. As the lead author noted in an interview, “We are testing therapeutic ways of enhancing telomerase levels to help the immune system ward off cortisol’s effect. If we’re successful, one day a pill may exist to strengthen the immune system’s ability to weather chronic emotional stress.”"

This study was approved by the UCLA Institutional Review Board:

Choi J. Fauce SR, Effros RB. Reduced telomerase activity in human T lymphocytes exposed to cortisol. Brain Behavior and Immunity May 2008; 22:600-605 - -

Also see References:

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Link to the Science pages:

regarding Young Tissue Extract

regarding the other ingredients in our formulasEvidence-based efficacy of adaptogens in fatigue, and molecular mechanisms relat...Evidence-based efficacy of adaptogens in fatigue, and molecular mechanisms related to their stress-protective activity.Curr Clin Pharmacol. 2009 Sep;4(3):198-219. Epub 2009 Sep 1.The cumulative cost of additional wakefulness: dose-response effects on neurobeh...The cumulative cost of additional wakefulness: dose-response effects on neurobehavioral functions and sleep physiology from chronic sleep restriction and total sleep deprivation.Sleep. 2003 Mar 15;26(2):117-26.The Effects of Powdered Fertilized Eggs on DepressionThe Effects of Powdered Fertilized Eggs on DepressionJournal of Medicinal Food. 2011 Jul; 14(7-8)870

You can get your telomeres tested by a variety of companies online including

Find out more with our FREE Telomeres Information Booklet available to read, download, and print, here

Place your order now and see the difference it can make, either ordering one of our stand-alone supplements or the Ultimate Health 30 Day System, here:

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