Partners & Affiliates

Health Evolution welcomes Partners:

Affiliates • Ambassadors • Bloggers • Distributors • Doctors • Health Advocates and Coaches • IBOs • Influencers • Leaders • Medical Professionals • Practitioners • Pro Marketers • Therapists …

In line with our commitment to

Genuine Ingredients • The Recommended Clinical Dose • Always Honest Pricing

… we strive to provide the most honest, generous affiliate compensation in the industry.

All affiliates receive commission from sales on this website as per their previous structure.

All purchases from customers and contacts are tracked to the affiliate through our sophisticated tracking system, even if they don't buy through an affiliate link. Affiliate commissions are paid every two weeks.


i.12% – 20% Monthly Personal Sales Commission on purchases, sales, referrals, and reorder commissions

ii.Super Start Affiliate Rewards – earn up to $100 when a new affiliate gets going in the first 30-60 days – and the new affiliate earns free product

iii.Super Affiliates & Health Professionals Bulk Purchase Commission

iv.Super Affiliate Global Company Share Bonus 

PLUS we Give Back with our Pay What You Can Program for people in need

All commissions are paid for a lifetime, regardless of personal volume

Let's look at each of these payment methods in more detail:

#1 Way To Get Paid: Straightforward percentage payments based on sales.

Just like the top blue-chip companies who use affiliate and super affiliate programs, including Amazon, eBay, LegalZoom, Target, Walmart, so Health Evolution generously rewards affiliates.

Health Evolution is at the cutting edge of affiliate earnings.

Qualifying Super Affiliates have access to VIP commission structures for even more earning potential.

#2 Way To Get Paid: Super Start Affiliate Rewards Program

Super Start Rewards: when someone joins as an Affiliate for the first time, they become an Influencer Affiliate – an “Influencer”.

All Affiliates including Influencers get a unique Affiliate Link and a unique Coupon Code and can earn commission on every sale they generate and every purchase they make

We reward the introducing Affiliate: when new Affiliates sell $500 in the first 30 or 60 days, the Super Affiliate who introduced them earns up to $100 in Super Start Rewards Commissions – and the new Affiliate earns free product

#3 Way To Get Paid: Super Affiliate Global Company Share Bonus 

Share in ALL the company revenue, shared between qualifying affiliates. We Give Back to the community sharing information about these life-changing supplements.

#3 Way To Get Paid: Super Affiliates Bulk Purchase Commission

Bulk Purchase Commission for Super Affiliates including Health Professionals:

  • Super Affiliates can purchase Wholesale orders of 24x and 50x product.
  • In addition to deep discounts of up to 32% on Wholesale Orders, a 5% Bulk Purchase Commission is also paid to the Super Affiliate on personal Wholesale Orders AND a 5% commission is paid to the introducing Super Affiliate

#4 Way To Get Paid: Super Affiliate Global Company Share Bonus 

Share in the company revenue, distributed between Founding and Top Super Affiliates

Commission is paid to Affiliates from EVERY sale, even when there’s no affiliate link with our Super Smart Software.

Health Evolution Gives Back To The Affiliate Community


In Summary:

Affiliates, independent business owners, leaders and builders who join from other organisations can have their downline honoured as existing.

With our personalised compensation packages, affiliates who join now may be eligible to have current commission structures honoured.

Commissions are paid on 100% of total sales, including own purchases, paid twice monthly. This makes your earnings typically double what you might earn with any other company.

Joining is easy! Click here to apply to be an Affiliate. 

Health Evolution operates a well-funded, visionary, established, growing company with an unwavering commitment to affiliates.

We honor all existing affiliate structures and downlines.

Both the pricing and the compensation commission are much improved for you.

We provide affiliates with better support, bigger compensation, easier software, faster payouts, improved marketing, and the real YTE young tissue extract formulas. 

Here's an explanation:

If you have questions, you can contact Co-founder Angela Wright MBE personally by calling  (225) 442-9766 or emailing


You can buy your TeloMind™ here at the official website or by phoning: (225) 442-9766. Remember, all purchases from your customers and contacts are tracked to you through our sophisticated tracking system, even if they don't buy through your link. Affiliate commissions are paid every two weeks.

Join the Health Evolution Affiliate Program.

See you on the inside!

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