Discover the only all-natural effective cortisol manager supplement for chronic stress, anxiety, sleeplessness and stubborn weight gain. Find out how to lower cortisol with the supplements better than weight loss shakes and weight loss tea. More effective than the best multivitamin.
What is Young Tissue Extract and why is this Dynamic Protein life-changing?
This rare ingredient is made from specially produced eggs, from snowy-white chickens, who free-range in the forests of pristine Norway, eating a natural diet of herbs and botanicals
These eggs become Young Tissue Extract, which is blended with Ashwagandha, herbs, vitamins and minerals to create AminoSerene, the unique dietary supplement dealing with today’s biggest problem:
Chronic stress causing elevated cortisol
Elevated cortisol levels make the brain oversensitive to pain
Depleting adrenal glands, disrupting hormones
Causing weight gain and obesity, chronic fatigue, insomnia, low metabolism, poor heart function, and a compromised immune system more vulnerable to viruses.
Since 2014, Health Evolution has been providing unique supplements with rare natural ingredients
The result: the only solution to stress and the health issues of premature ageing
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