What is Young Tissue Extract?

Young Tissue Extract is a worldwide Norwegian-patented food supplement. It is a natural superfood made from the nutrients that are the source of life. What Is Young Tissue Extract Made From? Young Tissue Extract is Young Tissue Extract Dynamic Protein. It's a rare and natural ingredient which is harvested over 9 days in a patented, cold-extraction process from specifically-produced free-range Norwegian hens' eggs.

Our Young Tissue Extract formulas are most well known for the unique twin actions of regulating cortisol (the "stress hormone") and at the same time, regenerating stem cells.

"Rebalancing and rebuilding".

  • Young Tissue Extract is made from fertilised, incubated hens' eggs, harvested on the ninth day of incubation
  • Each capsule uses whole egg, carefully extracted using a proprietary method
  • Young Tissue Extract is protected by patent and trademark
  • Incubating fertilised hen eggs for 9 days generates the PreEmbryonic Stage Extract (PESE)

The nutrients are protected and gently processed to create a fine brown powder. If you smell Young Tissue Extract powder, is has a mild "biscuit-like" aroma.

This delicate all-natural ingredient is expensive to produce and does not fit the inflated profit margins of most supplement companies. Being a family-owned business, Health Evolution is prepared to spend more on ingredient quality than on marketing, and foregoes the large profits of typical health businesses.

Very few supplement companies use genuine ingredients at the correct clinical therapeutic dose, instead preferring to use cheaper ingredients which provide bigger profit margins.

What does Young Tissue Extract mean?
It is a nutrient that is extracted from fertilised hen eggs that have been incubated for 9 days. The patented process extracts all of the core nutrients from the egg called PreEmbryonic Stage Extract (PESE).

Who discovered Young Tissue Extract?
Young Tissue Extract was discovered back in 1929 by legendary Canadian Doctor Dr John R. Davidson. He was observing fertilised hen eggs and realised that by day 9, the egg had undergone an incredible growth spurt. Dr Davidson hypothesised that the nutrients inside the egg on this ninth day must be very powerful if they could cause a tripling in the growth cycle.

Dr. Davidson then began successfully treating his patients with Young Tissue Extract nutrients. After presenting at the third ever World Cancer Symposium, Dr Davidson died and his research was lost for almost 50 years.

50 years later, Norwegian scientists Dr. Bjodne Eskeland and Nils Christian Mortensen made the same discovery as Dr. Davidson, that the fertilised incubated hen egg contains nutrients which are the source to life.

Here's an old news clip announcing the rediscovery:

Note: The FDA has not evaluated these statements. Furthermore, in line with legislation, Health Evolution makes no claims whatsoever regarding the ability of Young Tissue Extract and/or Health Evolution formulas to treat, cure, prevent, not diagnose any disease. 

As nutritional and scientific understanding had advanced significantly in the intervening period, it was immediately understood that the nutrients extracted contained a special combination of amino acids and protein fractions that could help provide significant health benefits.

Uniquely, Young Tissue Extract contains a complete array of all amino acids, vitamins, minerals, proteins, and important growth factors.

What makes Young Tissue Extract different?
The reason Young Tissue Extract is such a powerful food supplement is because it comes from a natural source in the perfect synergistic combination to create life. Nature does not get it wrong with guesswork and most supplements on the market are doing just that….. guessing at the right synergistic balance and quantity. Young Tissue Extract is extracted and processed using a patented process that gets the nutrients just as the explosion of growth is about to happen inside the egg.

The Video Below Is The Creator Of Young Tissue Extract Discussing Why Young Tissue Extract Is Such A Different Food Supplement.

What are the benefits of Young Tissue Extract?
Young Tissue Extract is not like most supplements where you may have to wait weeks or months to notice any difference in your health.

When people begin taking Young Tissue Extract they typically notice a difference within just a few days.

The most common change people notice is their sleep quality as it typically becomes much better and more rested.

People commonly report that they do not find themselves tossing and turning as much and enjoy a more rejuvenating deep sleep.

The next most common customer feedback is that they have more energy and recover from physical exertion or exercise quicker. For athletes and anyone who plays a sport or goes to the gym, this is usually noticeable by being less sore the day after exercise.

Young Tissue Extract contributes to increased muscle mass and strength.

Additional common customer feedback is that within 7 - 14 days, skin can become less sallow, taking on a heather glow resulting in a more pastel complexion.

People report feeling l much calmer and less stressed. This is because Young Tissue Extract is shown in clinical studies to reduce cortisol which is the body's master stress hormone.

The next most commonly reported benefit in month one is that concentration and general brain function is improved. That brain fog lifts because the Young Tissue Extract supports brain function.

Directions For Use
To get the maximum results from Young Tissue Extract, take 4 capsules per day.

An important point is that clinical trials and medical studies have used 1600mg of Young Tissue Extract, equivalent to the consumption of 4 capsules of AminoBoosters or Telomind per day, or 6 capsules daily of AminoSerene.

Take with your first meal of the day all at once or by taking half the dose with your first meal and the rest later in the day.

The Video Below Is The Creator Of Young Tissue Extract Discussing The Best Ways To Take Young Tissue Extract

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